This is the story of a fifteen-year-old boy who rode away from his home in Bendigo in 1880, looking for a life of adventure. Within a few months he was droving with Nat Buchanan across the Gulf Track to the Territory. At just seventeen he joined the Durack family’s epic…
Want to know what it was really like on the Australian Frontier? Whistler’s Bones is the story of a fifteen-year-old boy who rode away from his home in Bendigo in 1880, looking for a life of adventure. Within a few months he was droving with Nat Buchanan across the Gulf…
When I first learned that Russell Carrington had written down his yarns and memories I knew that they should be published for posterity. Russ grew up on Planet Downs station, near Burketown, in the very last of the ‘old days’ before mobile phones, internet and modern roads. Russ grew up…
We are very excited to share the cover of our upcoming book, The Last Days of Dom Sebastian, a premium HARDBACK with case-laminated cover and dust jacket. It’s a beautifully presented book made to last, and a big adventure story in the vein of Wilbur Smith. Release date: October 2…
Curlew Dreaming, the new action/adventure novel from Don Douglas is officially out today. Curlew Dreaming is a 294-page feast of a book, and although it forms part of a series, it is a standalone novel that can be read on its own. Curlew Dreaming delves into pre war cattle station…