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Booker nominated author Tony English: “In the hands of an author whose long experience in people-creation shows from outset to finale, the characterisation is rich, in particular for Dom Sebastian. In part he is a romantic, likeable hero and skillful controller of men. Perhaps in larger part he is a naïve megalomaniac, driven by himself and others, who has no qualms about sacrificing thousands of lives for a Quixotic cause. The intrepid, introspective narrator of the chronicle, Father Luis Pereira, is a masterly creation. With great empathy and skill, Barron has the priest create himself in depth as the chronicle proceeds. True to Barron’s many previous works, there is always a powerful sense of time and place. The prose flows without a hitch, and not a word is wasted. Highly recommended without reservation. Five hard-earned stars.”
Publisher’s Weekly: “The Last Days of Dom Sebastian combines the best elements of The Count of Monte Cristo with The Da Vinci Code, resulting in an adventure sure to grip readers from start to finish. This archaeological adventure twining past and present is a must-read for fans of thoughtful epic thrillers.”
Australian Author Don Douglas: “Greg Barron’s latest novel, The Last Days of Dom Sebastian is the equal of Wilbur Smith’s earlier and best works. I thought I’d be able to savour it like an aged rum, but no such luck. The pages kept turning until I reached the end, which to my mind is the ultimate in excellence. The hardcover presentation is of the highest order. Greg’s gift with words embellishes his commendable research and the whole is a satisfying combination of historical fact interwoven with fiction.”
Goodreads Reviewer Brenda Telford: “The Last Days of Dom Sebastian is an outstanding read by Aussie author Greg Barron which I absolutely loved.”
440 pages
ISBN: 9780648733874
From Greg Barron, the bestselling author of Whistler’s Bones and Rotten Gods, comes a very special novel. The Last Days of Dom Sebastian is a unique story of shipwreck, discovery and adventure that will keep you turning the pages long into the night. Stretching from Medieval Portugal to Australia’s Kimberley, this book will stay with you for a long time.
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